I am starting this Weblog in August 2023 as a place for “working with the garage door up” – a kind of public notebook about what I’m currently thinking about and working on. The phrase is Andy Matuschak’s and relates to the broader idea of the Digital Garden as discussed by Maggie Appleton. As such these notes will take the form of thoughts that I’m editing, revising and developing in public. It’s starting out here on WordPress, with the aim ultimately of migrating to a form that has in mind Jeff Huang’s Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web and Derek Sivers’ outline for Tech Independence. Away from here, I use Markdown and plain text for everything (originally inspired by William Hern’s 2006 Living in a Single Text File ) in the form of a (private) Zettlr Zettelkasten based on the ideas of Niklas Luhmann and many of these notes will draw on and feed back to what I’m working on in that.